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Camp Arowhon
Mara Kates
555 Eglinton Avenue West
Toronto ON M5N 1B5
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416-975-9060Main Phone
Camp Arowhon Mara Kates
Parents choose Arowhon because our staff are trained and supervised to look below the surface - to know and care about children's well-being, both individually and in cabin groups. Our staff have the necessary training, tools and attitude, because our staff retention rate from summer to summer averages 90%, and for every new staff hired, we scrutinize about 50 candidates.

We take responsibility for getting to know every single camper and what it will take for that child to thrive at camp. To do that, we systematically research every single camper's experience of camp, and then support them to make it even better.

We teach activity skills intensely because when children master new skills, they fall in love with learning. A child who develops any measure of proficiency in an activity goes home with something more important than sailing or canoeing skills - they pick up perseverance, they've made friends with challenges and they'll never forget how much fun it is to try something new and succeed.