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Job Seekers: Job Offers

Once the preparation is done, the interviewing process is complete and your follow-up is finished, what comes next?  Hopefully a job offer!  You have put a lot of hard work into your job search.  You now are receiving job offers.  It seems like this would be the easy part of the process.  However, if you are making a career move, you know how much is at stake.  Your decision will literally change your life.  Often, your job change will also effect spouse, children and friends.

You cannot take the offer stage lightly.  Many areas need to be evaluated.

a. Do I like management?
b. Do I see myself fitting in with other employees?
c. Is the company stable?
d. What is the future of the corporation?

a. Does it meet my immediate career goals?
b. Does the salary and benefits meet my needs?
c. Is this a newly created position?
d. Why is the position open?
e. Are there advancement opportunities?

a. How many other offers do I have pending?
b. Is this company stable and / or growing?
c. How does this company compare to its competitors?

a. Does this opportunity meet my current career goals?
b. Does this opportunity set me up for my future career goals?
c. What time commitment am I willing to make to this corporation?
d. Will this work experience add to my skill level?
e. Does this company offer enough for me to consider retirement?

Job offers are the ultimate goal of your job search.  However, the offer must be the RIGHT offer for you!

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